Tonight, all I'm doing is reading what I've ever written, kinda fun to remember those things :D And here are what I think when reading: 270810 o> It was July 28th 2010, the first time we had a talk, a short talk. o> what a coincidence! I've just realzed that 511 is the number of your room in Hotel Madani. and it also stands for my birthday 5-11, November 5th. wow :O o> So, that night was August 3rd 2010, I still remember it well, unforgettable one. I can't even forget how I actually wanted to stay there and keep talking with you. o> Another unforgettable night, August 4th 2010, the night you confessed the thing about you. I actually couldn't understand it at first, but then I could. I didn't know what to do. I wanted to stay and keep seeing you. 200910 o> The night I could widely smile :D, August 5th 2010, it was all fun. one thing I regret, I shouldn't have slept early that I lose a nice chance -_- o> August 6th 2010, being with you all da...