
Menampilkan postingan dari September, 2011
Jam kosong.. Listening to The Scene Aesthetic's :D
eh, yang osn di manado malam ini lagi jamuan makan malam ya? hmm, kalo osn tahun lalu, setelah tes hari kedua, malamnya belum jamuan makan malam, tapi aku makan malam sama *** ***** hihi #flashback


Nama : Novi Prihatiningrum (15) Kelas : XII IPA 1 Pidato Assalamu’alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh. Ibu Ngatini selaku guru bahasa Indonesia yang saya hormati dan teman-teman kelas XII IPA 1 yang saya hargai. Pertama-tama marilah kita ucapkan puji dan syukur ke hadirat Allah SWT karena dengan berkah-Nya lah kita dapat berkumpul di kelas ini dalam keadaan sehat. Terima kasih atas kesempatan yang diberikan kepada saya untuk menyampaikan pidato yang berjudul Persiapan Menghadapi Ujian Nasional dan SNMPTN bagi Siswa Kelas XII . Setelah menjalani pendidikan selama tiga tahun di SMA, hal terakhir yang harus dihadapi oleh para siswa adalah Ujian Nasional dan SNMPTN. Ujian Nasional menjadi penentu hasil belajar siswa selama tiga tahun di SMA, sedangakan SNMPTN (Seleksi Nasional Masuk Perguruan Tinggi) menentukan ke mana siswa akan melanjutkan pendidikannya. Berdasarkan data yang saya peroleh, kelulusan UN SMA/MA pada tahun ajaran 2010/2011 lalu mencapai 99,22%, angk...


so strange.. I really want to go back to that time, and do the same nice things, plus some things I didn't do.. haha.. It would be nice!

Puisiyangbelumtahujudulnyaapa :)

sebuah memori terekam dalam ingatanku yang selintas memburam akan secuil momen di malam enam bulan silam kau kirimkan pesan padaku tuk tanyakan keberadaanku kaupinta kubukakan pintuku tukku segera beranjak temuimu di depan kamar enam nol sembilan lantai enam hotel madani medan kau dan aku berhadapan bertatapan di hadapan lift yang jadi saksi bisu kuingat kau bagi rasamu saat itu tentang problema fisikamu yang sesiangan baru berlalu (belum selesai, to be continued) -Almost 7 months pass by after I wrote this, and still I haven't continued this haha-

English Speech

Novi Prihatiningrum XII IPA 1 Speech Assalamu’alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh The honorable teacher Mr. Suparni and all my beloved friends. First of all let us thank Allah SWT for his blessing so we can gather in this room in good condition. Secondly, I’d like to thank you for the chance given to me to deliver my speech entitled The Roles of Young Generation in Keeping and Filling Independence . On August 17 th 1945 Indonesia was free of European colonialism and imperialism and proclaimed her Independence. The 45 generation had left incomparable riches to us, an independence. The most important meaning of independence is freedom, free of fear, free of showing ideas, and free to decide the fate. But, after 66 years, the true independence hasn’t been able to be enjoyed by most of Indonesian people. The full and true independence includes political, economical, social, and cultural freedom and global colonialism which break Indonesian characteristics. The struggle...

The Scene Aesthetic - Come What May

"Come What May" For the longest time I thought I'd lost the best of me, but I'll be damned if I quit now and that's for sure. All I ever wanted was for you to look at me and know I'm all yours. Like the penguins need their wings for deep cold-water dives. Like the earth needs the moon to keep it on course. When you touch me I know there is purpose in my life, just know I'm all yours. I'm a mess; I confess that I'm nothing without you. And there's nothing I can do to prove to you I'm being honest. Now I see, everything; and yes I've known it all along. I was so lost but I'm back and I finally know now where my heart belongs. I've been wondering if you could ever realize that we're growing up so fast and it's insane. My dear our hearts have gotten good at pumping cheap new lust into our young veins. Suddenly I understand everything I couldn't comprehend. All this time I've spent without you by my side, I dreamt ...

The Scene Aesthetic - Lonely Girl

"Lonely Girl" You were the photograph I couldn't make out You were the sunset I was the last to know You were the pressure I was the only one Who could release you And take you right back home Oh, lonely girl This is the fall of a lonely girl You write the ticket And I will pay the fine You made the promise And I will make you mine So many loose ends That we attempt to tie Let out your secrets You've always kept inside Oh, lonely girl This is the fall of a lonely girl You were the dancer And I can keep the beat You were the dreamer So darling get some sleep With all your big plans That you made for yourself It's up to you, dear And there is no one else Oh, lonely girl This is the fall of a lonely girl You thought all of this time that I never missed you Coming back, give it your life This is your rescue This is your rescue Your rescue Your rescue This is the fall of a lonely girl This is the fall of a lonely girl ...

The Scene Aesthetic - Katy (Give Me A Shot)

The Scene Aesthetic - Katy (Give Me A Shot) Katy, I know you're blue But what can a man like me do? 'Cause I could love you better Oh, and I have known forever Oh, let's make our way together Give me a shot Give me a shot 'Cause everybody waits for love And I know that you wait for love 'Cause everything you've ever wanted Could be yours if you'd just Give me a shot Give me a shot And hold out for love Katy, I know I'm right Just give it a little more time 'Cause I could love you better Oh, and he would love you never Oh, let's make our way together Give me a shot 'Cause everybody waits for love And I know that you wait for love 'Cause everything you've ever wanted Could be yours if you'd just Give me a shot Give me a shot And hold out for love Hold out for love Hold out for love Hold out for love Everybody waits for love And I know that you wait for love 'Cause everything you've ever wanted Could be yours if you'd ...